First Post

For the longest time I’ve been a reader and a listener.

I’ve recently moved to the opposite side of the world, from Australia to Canada, so what better time to start something new, to finally start this blog that I’ve been mulling over for the last 12 months and become a contributor.

I spend at least an hour a day reading news and articles related to the design, development and broader tech industry and usually another hour listening to podcasts. On the odd occasion I’ve contributed a comment or two but its pretty hard to express yourself in a sea of extreme opinions. I think most meaningful contributions and responses are either face to face or documented in an article format.

After drafting a couple of posts already, it’s reaffirmed that writing articles is simply a great benefit to myself to document any unique tips or thoughts that I may have. When having to methodically explain techniques or thoughts to someone else, you have to reinforce your words with  sources, explanations and evidence. This process really helps to crystallize my own thoughts and techniques.

This is not exactly a selfless endeavour, I hope this helps to advance my own thoughts and processes through this research and feedback. This method has done wonders for science over the last 500 years, and it’s good to see the design community embracing a similar approach.

I still hope other designers finds these articles useful, I know that everything I’m about to post is something I wish I had of read elsewhere but have struggled to find. Likewise, I will be posting links to articles I find helpful or intriguing to other designers interested in UI, UX and Front-end Development.

It’s not a new concept by any means but hopefully I can contribute something meaningful back to the community that I’ve benefitted so much from. Secondly, it’s a good opportunity for me to practice and develop my writing skills.

As for feedback, I’m going to rely on social networks as an alternative to a commenting system. Feel free to direct any thoughts, kind words, criticism or some good ol’ fashion hatred to me on App.Net or Twitter.

Let’s see how this goes.